Help us thank our NHS
Listen to NHS poems from These Are The Hands.
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Inspired by These Are The Hands anthology.
Your poetry, your words, our NHS.
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Easter 2020 – for the NHS workers
I have seen them at close of day
coming with tired faces

These Hands
These hands have conjured calm from fear
These hands have cradled a new-born near

The dance of the zombie
For the time being we are helpless
We watch our dear ones being whisked off

What was just an ordinary morning
What was just an ordinary morning,
Showering, soaping, realised a lump.

Bubbles in a War Zone…
It takes time to feel comfortable in a war zone.
At 8pm your family clap, holler hope, give thanks.

Eternally Grateful
These humble words cant begin to express
The gratitude felt towards our NHS

This love, praise and thank you
This love, praise and thank you to you dear NHS will last for our whole lives long.
For it is with all your brave, compassionate care we feel safe, well and always treated kind.